Facebook Business page or Meta Business page is one of the best ways to promote your villa business and get traffic for your villas website. Get a free google website for your villa.
Your Meta Business page is created using your personal Facebook account.
Steps to Create your Facebook Account
- Head to www.facebook.com and click on “Create New Account”

- Sign Up – Add your details and sign up
- First Name
- Last Name
- Mobile No. or E-mail Id
- New Password
- Date of Birth
- Gender

- Sign In – Your Facebook account is now created, store the username (your email or mobile no.) and password to sign in to your account.

Guide to Create Facebook Business Page for your Villa
Step 1 : Login to Facebook and Create a page
- Go to www.facebook.com and login to your personal account.

- Click on the Pages Icon on the left hand side panel.
- Click on Create a new page
- Page name – villa’s name
- category – vacation home rental
- Description – Add details of your amenities and nearby tourist places
- Tap on “Create Page”

Step 2: Optimize the page
- Profile Picture and Banner
- Set the villa’s exterior as a profile picture
- Create a Facebook banner through apps like Canva – should show your villa’s exterior and the contact details.

- Click on edit page info on the “manage page” sidebar on the left
- Add the details
- Contact – dedicated no. of the villa and an alternate number
- Email id of the villa
- Villa’s website link
- Address and location of the villa and fill the additional location details
- No need to add a service area
- hours – always open
- temporary service changes – based on actuals
- Covid-19 updates – if any
- Price range
- other accounts – add links to other social handles
- Add the details

- Click on settings on the manage page sidebar
- Connect WhatsApp – Learn to create a WhatsApp business account
- provide the WhatsApp Business number of the villa
- switch on Use WhatsApp as action button
- switch on show WhatsApp number on page
- Connect Instagram – the compete guide to creating your villa’s Instagram account
- login to your villas Instagram account and connect it.
- Connect WhatsApp – Learn to create a WhatsApp business account

Step 3: Start Posting and Promoting
Your Facebook Business page is now ready, share it with your Facebook friends and start posting
- Villa’s availability
- Renovations
- Clients testimonials and reviews etc.