One of the first steps in taking your villa business online is to set up a dedicated business gmail account for your villa. Here’s how to create a gmail account for your villa.
For Desktop
Step 1: Go to to create an account
- If you are signed in through another account
- Click on the profile picture on the top right and select “add another account”

- If you aren’t signed in through another account
- On the top right click on “Sign In”

- Click “create account” and choose “To manage my business”

Step 2: Add Information
- Add your own First and Last name
- username – Use your villas name for this
- Preferable [ [email protected]]
- Set password and click next

- Use Dedicated Phone no. of your villa
- Add your personal id as a recovery ID
- Add your own date of birth
- Select Gender
- Verify Phone No.
- Add phone no. to other google services

Step 3: Add a Profile Image
- On click on your profile, click on manage google account
- Click on personal info
- Add a photo of your villa as the profile picture

For Mobile
Step 1: Open the Gmail app on your phone
- If you haven’t signed in before
- click “got it” and click on “add an email address”

- If you have another Gmail signed in
- Tap on your profile icon on the top right
- Tap “Add another account”

Step 2: Gmail Set up
- In the Setup email – select “google”

- Create an account for your villa business
- first name and last name – villa name
- Enter your Birth date
- Gender

- Select a Gmail address or create your own
- set password

- add villa’s dedicated phone no.
- Verify Phone No.
- Agree and accept
Your Business Gmail Account is Now Ready!